Maritime Innovation Company


New Discovery with New Science


SHInc is a discovery innovator

See for corporate ownership information

Hull Speed is subjected to resistances of flowing in the water in addition to the sea conditions, which is why many sacrifices of internal space are standard part of ships design.
For many centuries, ship designers have been searching for new ways to improve ships and boats capabilities, and over these many years, many advancements had been reached but many more had not been accepted for not being as significant or relevant for improved sailing capabilities, and most had taken a long time to be accepted.
One of these is Air Lubrication but the one we have is yet beyond, but wisdom indicate we better find the suitable collaboration partner in our project, so we do not suffer as other innovation companies had, and so that the market is served in the interest of all mariners.
In this website, we are sharing very little about the new invention, but are sharing the real vast impact we know it can make on the market, which is why we are first searching for the proper suitable corporate partner in our project

Special Opportunity Project

1-lake Boat Runs
No wake yacht

BilgeKeels fixed